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The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel
The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel Verified

The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel

Address: Bwindi

About The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel

Welcome To The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel ABOUT THE CRESTED CRANE BWINDI HOTEL Located in the hills of South Western Uganda, 525km from the capital city Kampala, The Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel offers accommodations within 14.7 km (15 minutes drive) of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park – Buhoma Sector, a Gorilla tracking starting point of Bwindi forest. At the Crested Crane Bwindi Hotel, we provide modern and unique facilities with a touch of African architecture. Our detailed architect and ambience will create a tranquil relaxing and inviting impression in your life time.i

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